søndag 28. september 2008


No joy No choice No Joy No Choice
Kill yourself today
Anger and sadness imprinting our hearts
Join the machinery or die behind bars
Selfdestruction is my only choice
When you've chopped off my arms and murdered my voice
Trying to slaughter my hope and my will
Crucified to the walls of your systems, still
you hit and hit like a fucking machinegun
blast my legs to hell so I can't run
Stealing my freedom and raping my pride
Firing at me with all your might

So here I go, a glass of pills
Unlock it first, now here it tilts
Cheers to your institutions, cheers to your fucking goons
Cheers to your fucking methods, cheers to your fucking rules
I'm expiring from your assistance, expiring from your help
Expiring from your slavery, expiring from your hell
So here goes my little statement out of frustration
I found a little way to stop your sick obsession
With ruining my life with making me your whore
I'm roasting my own brains dedicated to your support
Say your little prayers, give me your farewells
I'm taking the next pillsip out of your safety hell.

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