Decided to post this old piece of shit poem I wrote ages ago.poem. Much inspired by Crass, yep yep.
I am shit.
I am trash.
I am garbage.
I do not respond, I do not respond.
I am beautiful.
I am fucked.
I am shit.
Shit compared to you and your kind, your perfect, mindless species.
I am trash.
Trash on the filthy streets below your utopia.
I am garbage.
Garbage on the surface of your evolving world, your era of technology and civilization.
I am beautiful. I am truly fucked.
You call it society, oh mighty society, how do i make myself useful?
What should i do to please you oh mighty society?
I shall give up my destructive ways.
I shall give up my belief in unity between all people.
I shall give up my dreams of a world so peaceful we will have no need for nor leaders nor control.
I shall give up my dreams of a world where nor animal nor man need to be slaughtered.
I shall give up my dreams of love between people no matter where you are from or how you are made.
I shall no longer spend my hours laying in the grass outside of your protecting walls, loving, dreaming and wasting away my time. I will work, work work in your factories, your units, i will make you go around, and i will once and for all give up my ways.
And i shall consume, oh society, how i shall consume.
I shall contribute to you, oh society, through consuming,
consume consume consume consume.
Oh society, please forgive me because i cannot follow your guidelines,
Because i am just a mere romantic.
I am shit.
I am trash.
I am garbage.
I do not respond, i do not respond.
I am beautiful.
I am fucked.
I am still just a individual...
mandag 30. juni 2008
mandag 23. juni 2008
Moss Punk Rock
Imagine Punk Rock. Now take away the self-importance, the PC nazis and the macho fuckhead element and fill the space with joy and high energy shows. That's pretty much was Moss Punk Rock was like. A bunch of great bands and even greater people. Before going I had a pretty big fight with my parents about wether I was going to social rehab or Moss Punk Rock but I don't feel like getting into that since it's just a hold up of all the wonderful experiences. I hooked up with Fredrik in Oslo on friday and we headed down to Moss with the direct line. We were there about half an hour till seven, the weather was great. I gotta say the first surprise was Kåntra. I've never been to Kåntra before MPR 08, but Fredrik had told me a bit about it. Actually being there though, was a whole lot different. Kåntra is a one year old selfran youth house that is currently receiving benefit from the community board or however the fuck I'm supposed to say kommunestøtte in english. Anyhow, it didn't take long before I fell in love with the moss scene, all though most of them were pretty young, these are pretty much the most fun kids I've been around in ages. Among the most interesting people I met were Albert, this fucking smart pink-haired ska-kid/rudeboy/whatever they call themselves these days, the way I understood it he was traveling through Norway with some friends of his. He was also one hell of a dancer. Then we had Sandra, possibly the most mature 14 year old I have ever met in my entire life. She's like a fucking carnivore though, I think I alone have 7 bitemarks from her, she also ripped up the

Fredrik went out to drink with whoever it was. I don't remember the line-up after that correctly, but I do remember Skandale Vandale. Now this band is fucking awesome, they play like fast, catchy punk rock and manage to sound pissed without sounding unoriginal like some bands tends to do these days. Pretty similar to Cheap Sex with a twist of GBH and that stuff, just with norwegian straight-from the gut lyrics. Even though we were like five punx in the pit we still moshed like fuck. I even sang along on the songs Snut and Livet er en vits, which are pretty much my favorite songs by them. Still pissed they didn't play Elverum Brenner though. After they played I got a discount on a t-shirt from them and a button, which makes me one of two people outside Elverum with a SV shirt, thouhg it's way too big for me. (I wear it anyway.)
I don't think I catched that many bands after that, there was this danish band called Human A/SS who I liked but I was too drunk to remember what they sounded like, Kohu played too, crusty as fuck, also there was this band one of the teachers on my school plays in called Dözarne who were a LOT faster live than on recording, I'd talk to him if it wasn't so fucking akward. Nuff said. I was surprised to see how

Imported russian wine is tasty and affordable for the avarage punks. The plumwine was espescially good though it was only 12% or something like that. We headed back to the vegetarian BBQ outside Kåntra and just enjoyed being buzzed in good company, I was also able to get my hand on some bud while I was there which only improved the experience, even though it lead to Sandra biting my arm so badly it still hurts like hell when I poke it. Ouch.

Peace out, bitches!

torsdag 19. juni 2008
What holiday?
On my way to Oslo the other day, I came to think about something, that entire year I had been looking forward to the summer vacation. I mean, I'm not excactly a study-person, at least not in the the norwegian institutions. I mean, I'm not saying education is wasted, it just doesn't match with my current lifestyle. I'm not interested in rotting in a social cage my entire life, so why would I want further education? But for some reason I am studying media and communication. possibly just because I enjoy making flyers, movies and websites and that Skedmo VGS provides excellent resources for my works (I usually steal away resources like cameras, programs and stuff like that for ages at a time). Anyhow, I suddenly realized something: Why the fuck was I really looking forward to the summer holidays? For those of you who do not know: since Christmas I have spent more than 32 days away from school, excluding holidays. I had been looking forward to the holidays because of the shows I was gonna see, but I'm always going to shows. I mean, I can't remember one single month this year when I havent been to see at least one or two shows. So doesn't that pretty much make my entire life a continuing holiday? At least this year has been pretty pleasant except for shrink-visits, fights at home and constant run-aways, my time has been dedicated more to drinking than homework, school and work.
Can it be that the reason why I am looking forward to the holiday is because I feel guilt?
I haven't noticed it myself, but can it be because I constantly disapoint certain people around me? It can't be because of my disapointment in myself, I honestly don't have any. I live as freely as I can and try to make the most out of even rainy-days. I remember a few weeks ago, my shrink asked me; What do Daniel Carlsen want with his life?
The answer: I want things to stay this way.
Peace out, bitches, holidays starts tomorow and I can't fucking wait to go to Moss Punk Rock Festival.
P.S. Don't worry, I will get my hands on a camera someday soon, blogs without photos are fucking square. And not in a sexual way.
Can it be that the reason why I am looking forward to the holiday is because I feel guilt?
I haven't noticed it myself, but can it be because I constantly disapoint certain people around me? It can't be because of my disapointment in myself, I honestly don't have any. I live as freely as I can and try to make the most out of even rainy-days. I remember a few weeks ago, my shrink asked me; What do Daniel Carlsen want with his life?
The answer: I want things to stay this way.
Peace out, bitches, holidays starts tomorow and I can't fucking wait to go to Moss Punk Rock Festival.
P.S. Don't worry, I will get my hands on a camera someday soon, blogs without photos are fucking square. And not in a sexual way.
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